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Britain's space policy decline

"Giles Dilnot looks at why Britain, which 50 years ago was at the forefront of the space race, has fallen to the back of the pack."

Category: Space


Feed in tariffs: 'Cashback' pledge for green power

"Households which contribute electricity to the National Grid are to receive payments under a new government scheme."

Category: Energy sources


Teams vie for underwater robot prize

"At the edge of a vast indoor tank, a team of university students watches intensely as a robotic vehicle attempts to negotiate an underwater obstacle course."

Category: Robotics


Herschel shows breadth of vision

"Europe's Herschel space observatory is set to become one of the most powerful tools ever to study the Universe."

Category: Space


Why it would be naive to abandon emissions negotiation at Copenhagen

"A new report advocates exclusive emphasis on clean technology – but rejecting emissions caps is simplistic and will not work"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1106 to 1110 out of 2977